Shane Wenzel is president of the Shane Homes Group of Companies.

Shane Wenzel

Shane Wenzel

Calgary’s Business: What’s the general feeling in the homebuilding industry about the economy?

Wenzel: It’s certainly challenging right now. We experienced a slowdown in sales in 2016 but an upswing in the market in 2017. Things looked like they were going to continue on that path but we’re down again in the first half of 2018.

CB: What are the main challenges you face in the industry?

Wenzel: The new stress test for mortgages implemented by the federal government hasn’t helped. The intent was to slow down markets in two cities in Canada and has had a negative effect on all regions. Regional solutions would have been more effective while protecting other provinces’ markets. A knee-jerk decision, I’d say.

CB: What trends are you seeing in the market for the types of homes people are looking for?

Wenzel: It’s really specific to the quadrant or the buyer, but interiors are moving away from contemporary to eclectic or traditional. Brushed brass is leading the way for finishes and new laminate flooring has gained lots of attention. Outdoor living is gaining traction even with our cooler climate. The two-storey, single-family home at around 2,200 square feet is still the most sought-after home style in the market.

CB: Who are the people buying homes these days in Calgary?

Wenzel: Calgary is a very diverse city, as are the buyers. For example, in our condo projects the mix is composed of first-time buyers or singles and downsizers.

CB: There are a lot of homebuilders out there. How does Shane differentiate itself from its competitors?

Wenzel: Homesbuilders are 80 per cent the same and 20 per cent different. How we feel we’re different is our commitment to the customer. I know some people reading this may balk at this but I’m being serious. We have a customer experience intent that we live by. We have a lot of long-term staff and that means consistency in our experience and the quality we build into our homes. And much more.

– Mario Toneguzzi

Respected business writer Mario Toneguzzi is a veteran Calgary-based journalist who worked for 35 years for the Calgary Herald in various capacities, including 12 years as a senior business writer.

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